Harrison Ford's filmography

Harrison Ford Films (and his character’s name)
1966  Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round (Bell Hop) 
1967 A Time for Killing (Lt. Shaffer) 
1968 Journey to Shiloh (Willie Bill Rearden)
1970 Getting Straight (Jake) 
* 1973 American Graffiti (Bob Falfa) 
1974 The Conversation (Martin Stett) 
* 1977 Heroes (Ken Boyd) 
* 1977 Star Wars (Han Solo) 
* 1978 Force 10 from Navarone (Colonel Barnsby)
* 1979 More American Grafitti (Officer Bob Falfa) 
* 1979 The Frisco Kid (Tommy) 
1979 Apocalypse Now (Colonel G. Lucas)
* 1979 Hanover Street (David Halloran) 
* 1980 The Empire Stikes Back (Han Solo)
* 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark (Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr.) 
* 1982 Blade Runner (Rick Deckard) 
* 1983 Return of the Jedi (Han Solo)
* 1984 Temple of Doom (Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr.) 
* 1985 Witness (John Book) 
1986 Mosquito Coast (Allie Fox) 
* 1988 Working Girl (Jack Trainer) 
* 1988 Frantic (Dr. Richard Walker)
* 1989 The Last Crusade (Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr.) 
* 1990 Presumed Innocent (Rusty Sabich)
* 1991 Regarding Henry (Henry Turner) 
* 1992 Patriot Games (Jack Ryan)
* 1993 The Fugitive (Dr. Richard Kimble) 
*1994 Clear and Present Danger (Jack Ryan) 
* 1995 Sabrina (Linus Larrabee) 
* 1997 The Devil’s Own (Tom O’Meara) 
* 1997 Air Force One (President James Marshall) 
* 1998 Six Days and Seven Nights (Quinn Harris) 
* 1999 Random Hearts (Dutch Van Den Broeck) 
2000 What Lies Beneath
* means I own the movie
