A Rebellion on the Rise: Through Princess Leia's Eyes

by Karl Stutelberg

With the rebellion on the rise
and our spirits high.
We took the blockade runner
over the Tatooine sky.

But our ship was attacked and
pulled in by the beam
of a star destroyer that seised
our small rebel team.

Our mission had failed so
I gave a droid the plans
who would take them to Kenobi
in the Judland Wastelands.
I was stunned by a trooper and taken to Darth Vader. Who knew of the stolen plans and called me a traitor.
My name is Princess Leia Organa if you haven't guessed. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a Diplomatic Quest. I was flown to the Death Star and Vader locked me in a cell. The location of the base he wanted me to tell.
He brought in some droid, a needle and a sphere. I didn't know what was going on, I was overcome with fear. The gave me this drug, I think it was truth syrum. Then took me to Tarkin who I smelled as I neared him.
I told them the base was on Dantooine. They didn't know I had lied. Instead the targeted Aleraan and all of my friends and family died. I was put back in my cell soon it was opened again by a trooper that was a little on the short end.
He took off his helmet so his face I could see. He said his name was Luke Skywalker and he was here to rescue me. Excited, I followed him into the long detention hall. Where I met his other friend, and a wookiee that was rather tall. Luke's friend was arrogant, stuck up, and cocky and I told him his rescue plan was a little rocky. The stormtroopers were firing and I started to shout, "We're trapped in the cell bay, there's no way out." So I grabbed Luke's blaster and shot at a small vent. I said, "c'mon fly boy" and down the garbage chute I went. When Luke's pal joined us he tried to blast open the hatch. When I argued he looked like he wanted a boxing match.
Suddenly a large tentacle pulled Luke's whole body down but a loud noise scared the hungry monster out of town. The noise wasn't a good one. The walls began to close in. If they didn't stop real soon. We'd all be really thin. We tried to brace them with some strong metal rods. And they stopped leaving room for our small puny bods. In my joy I gave Luke's friend a warm embrace cause we could finally get out of this awful place. He let out another blast frustrated with Chewie's fear. I angrily shouted, "No wait! They'll hear." We cleaned off and I told him that I was now in charge. He stubbornly said he took no orders he was his own sarge. We ran back towards the ship our own lives to save. When I saw the vessel I told the pilot that he was very brave. We ran into some troopers on our escaping trip. So we had to split up and meet back at the ship. Luke and I ran til we reached the central core. He blasted the controls Which locked up the door. The bridge was out and we didn't know what to do. The troops were nearing. I told Luke "They're coming through." Luke handed me his blaster which I quickly took while he fiddled with his belt and a grappler hook. I shot at the troops that attacked from up high. I was a pretty good shot even for a guy.
We had to swing across 'cause we were stuck. So I gave him a kiss that was just for good luck. We met up with the others and entered the bay and Luke suddenly stopped in complete dismay. Kenobi had been killed but there was no time to wait. I yelled to him, "Come on! Luke it's too late." We entered the ship and left in a hurry. The tractor beam commission was our only worry.
I tried to console Luke over the loss of his friend but four TIE fighters approached. This wasn't the end. Luke jumped right up and ran to his gunport. They shot down each fighter without having to abort. Luke's friend aimed in on the last TIE fighter and hit it. I have the big wookiee a hug and yelled, "We did it!" You would think the tall wookiee is really mean and rough but once you get to know him he is just a ball of fluff. I explained the plans to Luke's pal. The war wasn't over yet. Since he wanted no part I said money was all he'd get. I told Luke his friend was quite a mercenary. Luke lovingly said "I care." His feelings would not parry. We set our course for Yavin to meet up with the rebel posse. Commander Willard was there to greet us at the temple called Massassi. I told him to find a weakness from the plans in the droid and not to grieve to much over the Alderaan void. We had to act fast with Imperials on their way. But when I talked to Luke he said that Han couldn't stay. Luke was dissappointed but he was not to blame. This was this was the first time I'd heard his friends name. He usually called me princess and I just called him "you" but no on ever told me or gave me any clue. As Luke turned to leave I gave him another kiss. If he didn't return safely his company I would miss. All the rebel pilots ran to their x-wings with haste and I headed to the war room there was little time to waste.
We could not watch our friends as they fought in outer space and I tried to hide the nervous look I had upon my face. The Death Star was approaching 15 minutes did remain. When our mission was complete we'd have no more to gain. Over the speaker we heard that Luke was in some trouble. Til Wedge flew in and turned the TIE fighter into rubble. Relieved, we concentrated on our main goal. Red Leader took his shot at the thermal exhaust hole. We couldn't see the action only watch from within. Then the intercom said the shot didn't go in. By now our Rogue Squadron was dropping like flies. And in five minutes the Death Star would cause our demise. Since Red Leader was gone Luke stepped up and took the lead. His targeting computer was turned off our warning he did not heed. Just then I heard a familiar voice. Han had come back by his own choice. Luke's shot went in and the Death Star exploded. He proved his worth and would never be demoted. Luke flew in from his dangerous trip and we all ran to greet him at his x-wing ship.
He gave me a hug and called me Carrie. I think he was confused. I would have corrected his mistake but I was too amused. To congratulate our heroes we gave them an award in front of thousands of troops most of which were cardboard. My hair was put in a brand new style and I tried to act serious but soon cracked a smile. I gave Han is medal and he gave me a wink. This was his form of flirting I think. Then I placed a medal around Luke's neck. This movie is ten times better than Star Trek. The silence was then broken by the beeping R2. And they turned receiving cheers from the rest of the crew.
In the last couple of days I've made two great friends. I'm glad we made more movies 'cause this is where the first one ends.

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